Saturday, June 1, 2013



Instructions to set weather and use miWeather Lockscreen.

NOTE! The wallpaper will be of snow until you unlock then relock your phone. This only happens once;)

You will need a couple tweaks. First is lockscreen clock hide. This will hide clock on the lockscreen. Lockscreen dim delay. This will allow you to set the lockscreen to be on longer.

iFile lets you enter you weather code.

With ifile go to Library/Themes/miWeather/weather/js/weather.js

at the top you can see instructions to enter your weather code, adjust 12 or 24hr, F or C, and World.

World is for the radar. As of now you can set the world to either outside us or us.

Here is an example of what the weather.js looks like


var sUnit = "s";  // m for celsius s for fareinheit

var TwentyFourHourClock = "false"; //Set to true for 24hr false to 12hr.

var sCityCodes = "EGXX0001"; //weather code. Find from look in url.

var world = "2"; // 1 for outside US, 2 for US. THIS MUST BE SET!!!!!

Everything with // is ignored by the code and is used to write comments to you. The User:)

var sUnit = "s"; the comment says m for celsius and s for fahrenheit put either m or s between the " "

var TwentyFourHourClock = "false" change this to true if you want 24 hr

var sCityCodes = "EGXX001" This is a weather code. Go to type in your city/state.
Look in the url and you will see a code much like this one.

var world = "2" change this to 1 if you do not live in the us. Change this to 2 if you live in the US.

Thats it.

Setting Scroll Speed

You can adjust the scrolling speed. The value next to speed in the LockBackground.html can be changed. Also if you go into js/drag.js and look for e.animate you can also change this value.

Change time of day text.

in the main.html
Code now
<table style="position: absolute;top: 70px; left: 3px; width: 320px; height: 461px;"><tr valign="top" style="text-align: center; font-weight: 400; color: #ffffff; text-shadow: 0 0 0.1em rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); font-size: 18px; opacity:0.8;" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0"><td>

add display:none; after absolute, so it will look like

Code after change
<table style="position: absolute; display:none; top: 70px; left: 3px; width: 320px; height: 461px;"><tr valign="top" style="text-align: center; font-weight: 400; color: #ffffff; text-shadow: 0 0 0.1em rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); font-size: 18px; opacity:0.8;" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0"><td>

To add your own text

if (h < 1) document.write("It's midnight, Quit now?");
else if (h < 3) document.write("gettting alot done?");
else if (h < 6) document.write("too early to get up");
else if (h < 7) document.write("still sleeping?");
else if (h < 10) document.write("Good morning sunshine");
else if (h < 12) document.write("Take a break");
else if (h < 13) document.write("It's Lunch time");
else if (h < 16) document.write("Good Afternoon");
else if (h < 19) document.write("Time for dinner");
else if (h < 21) document.write("Day is almost over");
else if (h < 23) document.write("Grab a drink relax");

else document.write("Good Evening");

Change any text within the " "

Adding your own radar maps

Weather Radar
pick a map, pick activity then there is a list of maps under the photo.

Right click the image and copy URL

Now go to main.html and look for

UK[15] = ''

There is two sets of these arrays. If you want to add to it. Copy and paste the last UK[] and add a higher number.

UK[16] = ''

Change the url inside to the url you copied. Thats it.

If you do not want to add one and want to delete some just delete the entry you want.
The code will only loop through what is added, and will not break if some are removed.

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  1. Trying to get rid of the leading zero for the hours on non 24 hour clock by changing

    currentHours= if(currentHours < 10 ? "0" : "") + currentHours


    currentHours= if(currentHours < 10 ? "" : "") + currentHours

    This isn't working so I'm not sure what else to do?

  2. Oh Josh, if I only had time to get everyones customizations as they want.. I will have to look in the code. Unless you can figure it out. I dont have alot of time, and I think at 1.99 I would ask for a donation for me to code this for you. As you see the code is very long to remember every bit is quite difficult.

    I will let you know, there is two clocks. one in the Lockbackground.html and one I believe in the main.html

    what you have above is an inline if statement. if current hours is greater than 10 do " " if not do " ". You may have to delete that line.

  3. Glad you got it! The scrolling is quite a hack. I will try to explain. Line 255
    this.interval = setInterval(function(){ self.animate() }, 100,'easeInOutQuint');

    Only thing I recommend changing is the animation time which is 100. Also you can change the easeInOutQuint. have other easings you can use..

    Scroll from certain points. This will take a bit to get right as I spent alot of time trying to get it to where it is. Pretty much this does the scroll back. When you get to a certain point it will tell the trans div, handle, and a wrapper back to the top.

    This is not how things are supposed to work. But I tend to make things work. So with having iFrames and Javascript slideshows on trans bg. these Items will flicker alot. To fix this I added these trans divs and wrappers.

    Back to the code.

    if(curtop < -1280){

    $(".handle").animate({ top:"320px"}, 2000);
    $(".wrapper").animate({ top:"320px"}, 2000);
    $(".tran").animate({ top:"-500px"}, 2000);
    $(".trans").animate({ top:"-500px"}, 2000);
    setTimeout('stopAni()', 2000 ); // make it stop


    while((obj = obj.offsetParent));
    return [curleft, curtop];

    function stopAni(){


    Pretty simple in a way. Im using the value of curtop to get position. You can console.log(curtop) and while you move the div with your mouse you will see the value move. Pick a spot and set the if statement to that. Pretty much after you can do anything for any spot that the screen is set to.

    1 issue you may run into. The curtop is only valued when the user touches the screen. So lets say if you scroll to forecast. You can then set it up when if they tap it will automatically animate to next tab. BUT you cannot have it animate scroll if you just move to a certain spot. It does require a touch.

    Please let me know of anything you do. I have tons I would love to do, and am doing currently. Also my email is I dont want you to get to customized before you see miWeather +.

    I have to release a "Simple" version first. Otherwise I get killed with emails. miWeather+ is more advanced. Things such as settings without changing in ifile, custom walls, scrolling speeds. etc. I love miWeather. Just dont think what is released is my entire project;)

    1. I will let you know of anything I do and how it turns out! I've moved some things around to make it so the media controls aren't covered and I can still manipulate the screen when I have a list of notifications (which was another issue I was having)! I look forward to miweather+ this is by far one one of the things apple needs to take advantage of "Dynamic/interactive" lockscreen! Greatly appreciate the help! I'll let you get back to polishing up the project as I can see you are keen on the finer details!

  4. I love the MiWeather tweak. Everything about it is so simple and stylish. I have been trying to get the background for the lock screen onto my home screen. I copied the lockscreen.html and changed it to wallpaper.html. The only problem that I'm running into is there is a black buffer on the left and top of the screen about 1cm that I can't get rid of. Also when I scroll the the very right edge of the pano it stops about 200px short of the right edge. Any suggestions?

  5. is there a way to scroll the lock screen weather with lockinfo, i cant get it to work

  6. Hi can you tell me how to change the clock font size as its not in main or settings folder (ftp)

  7. Is there any way I can change it so that there is no .html background or that I can change the background at all?

  8. Hi there. I just bought this and I love it. However I'm having a bit of trouble that I'm hoping you can help me sort out. After installing, my phone crashes occasionally when bringing up the lock screen. I press the Home button, see the wallpaper, see the temperature display briefly, then it resprings. Additionally, any notifications that appear while the phone is locked don't disappear. They stay on the screen with a black background, which is problematic since it causes by battery to drain. Thanks!

